September 11, 2007

What. A. Joke.

Why are boys so unmotivated? Whatever it is, don't be blaming feminism, mister! It's must ... er ... uhm ... the water they're drinking .. yeah, that's the ticket!

Read more here.

The status quo just continues to grab at straws.


Blogger Hermes said...

Look on the bright side: they're not actually blaming men this time. I mean, we've been sold these plastic containers since birth. Nothing we could have done, right? It's really my mother's fault I'm not married, because she served me Hi-C in a plastic cup.

9/11/07, 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some valid points to contemplate in the article. I was particular concerned to hear about changes in testoserone levels. ...It is a well established empirical fact that girls in the states are reaching the age of menses sooner, but it is not clear why (perhaps cultural things are influencing physiology). If this is the case for boys -- that culture is causing a loss of testosterone levels in the same way that culture, or some as yet undefined thing, is changing estrogen levels in women, then the implications of not running your culture (on both a personal and population wide level) correctly may be more profound than we think.

9/12/07, 3:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, men are just idiots. Losers, intellectual buffoons, etc.

The worth of a man is in his ability to provide many luxury vacations at the Ritz Carlton hotel.

If only more men were rich and able to create lots of wealth in many creative and dynamic ways.

Most men are simply the dregs of society.

9/12/07, 9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and he'd be gaining such a prize in a wife.

9/12/07, 10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is funny how the Maken girls and social observers are convinced they have all the answers; how men should think, act, feel, whatever.

Of course, men aren't welcome at their all-girl discussion groups, unless of course they are willing to reflect back the poison regurgitated by Debbie Maken.

Men know why they are staying away from marriage. It isn't more estrogen or plastic bottles.

9/12/07, 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, the problem is that men aren't stepping up. If women went from simple homemakers to educated professionals with active lives, men should have doubled or tripled their incomes by now!

I don't understand why there are no godly men left. Where are the guys who will stand up for the Church! More men are leaving my church.

I'm beginning to hate men. Especially the one guy who pretends to be 80 different people and keeps attacking Debbie Maken. This must stop. Know that Jesus is Lord and He will stop you!!

9/12/07, 1:09 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

I was pretty excited when I read that article, because somebody found an ALL NEW beat a dead horse. Ugh. Make the finger pointing stop.

9/12/07, 7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another joke: Female porn for christian women.

These are "men stepping up".

9/12/07, 8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This columnist refers to boys as -- "emotionally retarded adolescent males."

Is this parody or hate? And what would be the mob reaction if this had been said of females?

I think I know.

9/12/07, 8:43 PM  
Blogger Triton said...

Well, in all fairness to Mr. Sax, there ARE a whole lot of female hormones running around. Soy, for example, contains large amounts of phytoestrogen, which mimics human estrogen. Pregnant women who eat a lot of soy can end up with deformed babies, with the deformations occurring in the genitalia. The only safe soy is soy sauce, which, due to the brewing process, has been chemically altered and rendered harmless.

Unfortunately, soy is an ingredient in an awful lot of stuff.

I've also heard that the massive use of birth control pills is depositing a lot of estrogen in our water supply. Women who take the pills urinate out the excess estrogen, which gets recycled back into the water, which we all drink. I don't know how credible this claim is, though.

As for the rest of Sax's stuff, he's just parroting some of the usual superficial talking points which a closer look would reveal to be misleading. For example, it is true that women outnumber men in college. However, this isn't because men don't care about book-learnin', or are too lazy, or (insert slur of the moment). The reason is that the atmosphere at liberal arts colleges is hostile to men. Why would any man want to pay tens of thousands of dollars to be told how awful his gender is in the various misandrist indoctrination courses that the school requires him to take? It makes a lot more sense to become a blue-collar professional, like a plumber or electrician.

This is easily verified by comparing liberal arts schools to engineering schools. MIT is 54% male. Georgia Tech is 70% male. Cal Tech is 67% male.

And when you break each school down by major, the results are even more skewed. In engineering classes it is quite common to have ten or twelve men for every woman. (As someone who earned an engineering degree in the late '90's, I can verify this firsthand.)

Women are flooding the liberal arts schools because they offer a constantly-increasing number of non-rigourous majors. The hard-core science and engineering stuff has seen more women over recent decades, to be sure, but this increase is insignificant next to the number of women pursuing early childhood education, creative writing, and women's studies.

As for Sax's assertion that playing video games is preferable to dating, well - duh! Has he seen the types of girls we have to deal with today? Vain, vapid, annoying, and psychotic begins to describe them. And those are the ones that aren't skanks or sluts.

It ain't 1955 anymore. The average American girl is not some doe-eyed virgin in a poodle skirt who just wants to marry a man who holds a steady job and doesn't beat her too often. She is more likely to be like Britney Spears - a morally vacuous, emotionally unstable, self-wounding creature who is a threat to the safety of her own kids. Compared to that, Halo and Guitar Hero sound pretty darn good.

Sax is right about one thing, though - women with college degrees are reluctant to marry men without degrees. As more and more men forgo college for the workforce, this problem will only get worse. Eventually, the point will be reached where women avoid college in an effort to not disqualify men from romantic contention. And, biologically, this is exactly what they should do. A woman can always get a degree later in life; her window of opportunity for having a family is much smaller.

9/12/07, 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now, "the man who pretends to be 80 different people" on this blog, is pretending to be an 81st person, commenting on the man who pretends to be 80 different people!
Tragicomedy at its best!

9/12/07, 11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What you said in your last post was brilliant. It isn't that men aren't stepping up or women are all trashy these days, it's just a new social reality.

There are so many guys who limit their relationships to 90 days because women seem generally impossible to get along with for longer than that.

Given enough time with Western women, even the most die-hard romantic man will realize he can live without a wife or girlfriend.

It has often been said that American men make the best husbands, but American women make the worst wives. I think this is because women are convinced that they must compete with men in all areas. Being a helper or a partner in life (the Christian model of marriage) is no longer the ideal.

A shame, really, but reality.

9/13/07, 6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now, "the man who pretends to be 80 different people" on this blog, is pretending to be an 81st person, commenting on the man who pretends to be 80 different people!
Tragicomedy at its best!

The tragicomedy is that you're at work reading THIS while stuffing oreos down your 300 pound body.

9/13/07, 7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That was uncalled for!

I did laugh.


9/13/07, 7:49 AM  
Blogger wombatty said...

Triton wrote:

This is easily verified by comparing liberal arts schools to engineering schools. MIT is 54% male. Georgia Tech is 70% male. Cal Tech is 67% male.

And when you break each school down by major, the results are even more skewed. In engineering classes it is quite common to have ten or twelve men for every woman. (As someone who earned an engineering degree in the late '90's, I can verify this firsthand.)

Now Triton, you know better than that. At the last meeting of the Sacred Order of the Oppressive Patriarchy, a motion was made that we would, via discrimination and other means of oppression, continue to keep the women in these professions to an absolute minimum.

It was objected that the vast throng of women clamoring to enter these fields was starting to draw to much attention to our oppressive measures. In response, it was pointed out that if we were to admit more women into these fields of study, it would eventually force us men to mature and grow up – some of us might even end up married! This, of course, cannot be allowed.

Fortunately, the ill-founded objection was over-ruled and the repression continues apace! Surely, you remember attending this meeting, do you not Triton? ;-)

I remember Lawrence Summers was almost being burned at the stake for his 2005 speech as president of Harvard, when he pointed out cognitive differences between men and women might account for some of the disparity.

My favorite part of this episode was when one of the female professors present, as if to confirm age-old stereotypes of women, responded in outrage:

Nancy Hopkins, a biologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, walked out on Summers' talk, saying later that if she hadn't left, ''I would've either blacked out or thrown up."

Get that woman a fainting couch!

Alas, surely there is a man to blame for her outburst (perhaps Summers himself); it certainly wasn't her fault.

9/13/07, 9:09 AM  
Blogger Davout said...

"Eventually, the point will be reached where women avoid college in an effort to not disqualify men from romantic contention."

...that is assuming the men
(a) would still be interested in the ex-entitled women/feminists and (b) have not already outsourced to other countries.

9/13/07, 10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis.


9/13/07, 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Debbie Maken deleted the "many luxury vacations" debate from her blog. I guess she realized she revealed herself as an elitist.

I did think it was uproariously funny how she thought every woman should have an Indian Christian husband.

Keep up the good work.

9/13/07, 11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think if she were Christian, repentance and an apology would be more sufficient than a deletion.

9/13/07, 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a favorite tactic of Debbie Maken:

"Marriage and achieving it isn't supposed to be a fairy tale. (Yet another faulty assumption, you intellectual buffoon)." - excerpted from her "many luxury vacations" remarks.

The people she was debating never, ever claimed that marriage and achieving was supposed to be a fairy tale. This is a straw man. So are her continued attacks on her critics as racists, losers, pizza delivering fools, etc.

I only wish those she-males such as Ted Slater would stop being so politically correct and call Maken out on what she is.

9/13/07, 2:37 PM  

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